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Nowy adres strony:


  • Online practical workshop

    5 April will be the next online practical workshop for students interested in doctoral school education, graduates and doctoral students organized within the framework of the project “Doctoral Schools are…

  • XVI Rzeszow Conference of Young Physicists – English language session

    Dear Sir or Madam, In response to multiple inquiries, we would like to inform you that a session in English can be organized during the 17th Rzeszow Conference of Young…

  • Crosscarpatian Synchrotron School 2024

    SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre is pleased to announce the Crosscarpatian Synchrotron School (CSS2024), taking place from Monday, 10th to Friday to 14th of June 2024 in Kraków, Poland. The CSS2024 is aimed at…

  • Biotech Horizons Business Edition

    Dear Fellow Scientists, Have you ever thought about commercializing the results of your research in biotechnology during your career? Do you dream of turning your ideas into a startup, and then into a successful…

  • SOLARIS National Centre – synchrotron radiation for science

    Dear PhD students,The SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre invites you to a course for PhDstudents entitled SOLARIS National Centre – synchrotron radiation for science. The coursewill be hosted in an…