SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre is pleased to announce the Crosscarpatian Synchrotron School (CSS2024), taking place from Monday, 10th to Friday to 14th of June 2024 in Kraków, Poland.
The CSS2024 is aimed at students, postdoctoral, and senior scientists who have little, or no experience in the field of synchrotron radiation or dedicated synchrotron techniques. The planned hands-on workshop will consist of a concise introduction to synchrotron radiation,
an overview of synchrotron experimental methods with particular focus on applications in various research fields as well as a practical training at SOLARIS infrastructure.
The lectures and practical training will cover the following topics:
• Synchrotron radiation and its interaction with matter
• Photoemission and absorption spectroscopy
• Imaging techniques
• Microscopy and spectromicroscopy
• Tutorial on preparing and writing proposals
Practical sessions will be held on the beamlines. Each participant will be able to choose two experimental stations to receive full training, including experiment design, sample preparation, measurements and data processing. We foresee a 2-day training at each of the experimental station or infrastructure. In total, we book for you a full 5 days of access to SOLARIS facilities and give you an opportunity to perform your own experiments at following beamlines: DEMETER, PIRX, URANOS, PHELIX, CIRI, POLYX and ASTRA as well as at the cryo-electron microscopy infrastructure CRYO-EM.
In order to ensure effective knowledge transfer and to give everyone the possibility to work with the instrumentation, we have to limit the number of participants to 30. Thus, you will work in a group of 4 to 5 people per one beamline/instrument. Selection is based on the advice of the Scientific Advisory and Organizing Committees. After the selection is completed, all registered participants will receive an email containing a confirmation or a refusal of their participation in CSS2024.
The participation in CSS2024 is free of charge, and we will secure accommodation and catering during the workshop.
As a deliverable of your participation in the workshop, we expect you to prepare and submit a beamtime proposal to the SOLARIS for the next call hoping it will receive positive recommendations and allocation for the beamtime in the future.
More information: website