Dear Students,
As the Organizing Committee, we would like to cordially invite you to participate in the 10th edition of the Polish nationwide conference – Symposium for Young Scientists of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. The event will be held from 23th to 25th September 2024 at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
Symposium aims to enable students and PhD students to present their research results in the field of Physics and related sciences. In addition, it allows you to get acquainted with research projects carried out at other universities and establish new contacts with participants from all over Poland.
We hope that this year’s conference will maintain the ten-year tradition of integrating the Physics student community and that discussions will be as lively as at previous editions of the Symposium. In addition, the Symposium offers interesting lectures and more.
The official language of the conference is Polish, however, we encourage you to present your work, as we enable English presentations as well. The Organizing Committee will gladly provide you with any help needed in case of language difficulties.
Registration of active participants will last until July 14 via the form Passive participants can register until August 31 using the form . More details are available on the website:, Facebook: and Instagram .
Participation is free of registration fee.
Yours sincerely,
Organizing Committee of Symposium for Young Scientists 2024