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CAPABLE (Common Academic Practices and Abilities in Learning for Research) PhD students training 2024

Dear PhD Students,

We are happy to be able to share with you information about this unique opportunity for PhD students at your university. We currently welcome applications to the CAPABLE (Common Academic Practices and Abilities in Learning for Research) PhD students training 2024. We hope that you can share information about the event at your university.

The CAPABLE PhD students training 2024

This training will have three parts:

·        Online seminar series

·        PhD student conference in Uppsala

·        Online course on academic pedagogies

Online seminar series

Between September and November 2024, accepted PhD students will be welcomed to participate in a four-part seminar series, focusing on academic development and techniques. Each seminar is two hours long and will actively participate in each seminar part online using ZOOM. Accepted students are expected to actively participate in the seminar which contains lectures, discussions, and exercises.

Preliminary topics:

Seminar 1: Research methods, innovation and startups

Seminar 2: Academic writing (referencing, style, etc)

Seminar 3: Methodology for preparation of scientific articles and publishing issues

Seminar 4: Scientific presentations online and in real life, popular science presentation

PhD student conference in Uppsala

All accepted PhD students will participate in a four-day conference at Uppsala University, during which PhD students will give and receive input on their own work, as well as receive input from senior experts in their field. The event will take place 11-14 November 2024. The training will also include a workshop in design thinking, sessions of scientific presentation, possibilities of publication, and a networking event with local PhD students and researchers. All students will have their costs of accommodation and food covered, Ukrainian students will also receive financial support for their travels via the project.

Preliminary program for the conference (pdf).

Pedagogical course for PhD students

All accepted PhD students can attend an online course for pedagogies in higher education. The course will be given during the spring term of 2025, including online lectures, seminars, and individual reflections.


We welcome applications from PhD students representing all BUP participating universities.

Application form for Ukrainian students.

Application form for all other students.

The last application day is 5 May 2024.

Get back to me with any questions.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

Adam Söderberg

Communications officer

The Baltic University Programme

Uppsala University

Villavägen 16

SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden

Mobile: +46 70 425 0057